Edmonton Expo 2017-Nicole Murphy

Edmonton Expo: Supporting local talent
By: Nicole Murphy
With big names like William Shatner, Gene Simmons, and Alex Kingston the Edmonton Expo brought in nerds from all around the land! Myself included. Although my fandom lays in mainstream shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Doctor Who, and Harry Potter, what I enjoy
about the Expo is seeing the lesser known artist and shows right in our own backyard. A filmmaker myself I love supporting my community, getting to see my friends shine, and sharing content alike.
I went to a panel discussion called Caution: Comedy! Featuring actors, writers, producers and directors from Edmonton made sketch comedy series, CAUTION: May Contain Nuts. A show that aires on APTN which doesn’t have certain broadcast limitations, which long story short means they can swear! Which is kickass!!!
During the panel discussion the audience was shown clips from the 4th season that the cast hadn’t even seen yet! The actors answered questions in a humours and inappropriate fashion which is not a surprise, if you have seen the show. Plus one lucky person won an extras spot on the show filming right now. The intimate size of the panel discussion made you feel like you were just hanging out with your friends watching youtube videos at home, but the professional quality of the comedy really made you appreciate the talent that lives right here in Edmonton.
Actress Aimée Beaudoin explained “It is nice to watch the show with an audience and hear their reaction, it beats watching it at home with my mom and grandma as they fake getting the jokes.” While in the same sentiment director Galen Pendleton said “ at the end of the day, it is all for them.(Audience).”
Another local Albertan, Spencer Estabrooks creator of Sharkasaurus, and One Hit Die, was at the Edmonton Expo connecting with fans, and building more of an audience for his upcoming graphic novel based on the Sharkasaurus. When asked why he moved into comics he explained “ It really gives me a chance to push my imagination to the limit, because in film it is harder to show certain things.”
His energetic and fun demeanour had people of all ages engaged and interested in the somewhat wacky content that has made up his career as a storyteller. Estabrooks also explained how the Expo gives him an opportunity to find out what is goin and support other local artists.
Overall the Edmonton Expo was a great experience, getting you back into a child like mindset of make believe and bringing celebrities to our doorstep, however getting to hangout and connect with the content creators from right here in Alberta was by far the best experience.
For more information on CAUTION: May Contain Nuts go to www.nutsonline.tv and check out deadwestproductions.com for Spencer Estabrooks crazy brain children.